Product information
To accompany your purchase
This product conforms to the following international directives for Essential Requirements of personal protective equipment under the section:
Sunglasses for General Use
REGULATION (EU) 2016/425 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 9 March 2016 on personal protective equipment. Directive 89/686/EEC:
(ISO 12312-1:2013+A1:2015).
AS/NZS 1067:2003 & ANSI Z80.3.2015 & UKCA 2021 (t.b.a.)
We choose to be environmentally conscious every day.
That is why we offer you our pristine frames and accessories in a waste free packaging:
No lens stickers, No hangtags, No plastic bags.
No more extra Waste! ?
Give meaning to your purchase.
Addition 1-10-2022: removal of surplus waste packaging materials.
As a Company we choose to be environmentally and socioeconomically conscious.
We are constantly looking for ways to minimalize our environmental footprint, while still maintaining to offer you a pristine product.
Our sunglasses and accessories are produced with the maximum possible use of recycled raw material and GRS controlled use of sustainable sourced products.
We hope you will use and eventually dispose of your purchase in an equal mindful way.
Our new way of packaging & sending of our frames:
? No more product lens-stickers
? No more product hangtags
? and no more plastic bags
The foil pouch that protects your frame during transport is made of Mater-Bi: a potato/corn starch base granulate that is 100% home compostable.
The Paper-Wise flyer with the QR-code that provides the full mandatory product information is made of agricultural waste materials.
The product sticker that closes the CFS-certified carton box is made of Vegan paper.
We can imagine that when opening your purchase and see its glitzy plastic packaging and accompanying shiny labels not there, it needs some mental adjusting. But knowing that your purchase reached you in a package that has been sustainable produced and leaves the environment unspoiled, will hopefully make you enjoy our glasses even more!
Description of filter categories and assigned symbols
Filter Category | Description | Usage | Symbol |
0 | Light tint sunglasses | Very limited reduction of sunglare | ![]() |
1 | Limited protection against sunglare | ![]() |
2 | General purpose sunglasses | General purpose sunglasses | ![]() |
3 | High protection against sunglare | ![]() |
4 | Very dark special purpose,sunglasses, very high sunglare,reduction | Very high protection against extreme,sunglare, e.g. at sea, over snowfields, on ,high mountains, or in the dessert | ![]() |
General purpose sunglasses
• These sunglasses conform to EN ISO 12312-1:2013 + A1:2015, AS/NZS 1067:2003 & ASNI Z80.3.2015.
• Good UV protection.
• Not for direct observation of the sun.
• Non Prescription sunglasses.
• Not for protection against artificial light sources such asin a solarium.
• Not for use as eye protection against mechanical impact.
• Wipe gently with a soft cloth.
• Not suitablefor driving in twilight or at night.
• Do not use abrasive detergents or sprays.
Zonnebril voor algemene doeleinden
• Deze zonnebril voldoet aan de volgende normen: EN ISO 12312-1:2013 + A1:2015, AS/NZS 1067:2003 & ASNI Z80-3-2015.
• Goede UV-bescherming.
• Niet voor directe observatie van de zon.
• Zonnebril zonder voorschrift.
• Niet voor bescherming tegen kunstmatige lichtbronnen zoals in solaria.
• Niet bedoeld als fysieke oogbescherming.
• Voorzichtig schoonvegen met een zachte doek.
• Niet geschikt om in de schemering of ‘s nachts mee te rijden.
• Gebruik geen schurende schoonmaakmiddelen of sprays.
Sonnenbrille fur den allgemeinen Gebrauch
• Diese Sonnenbrille erfullt die zwingenden Anforderungen nach EN ISO 12312-1:2013 + A1:2015, AS/NZS 1067:2003 & ASNI Z80.3.2015.
• Guter UV-Schutz.
• Nicht fur den direkten Blick in die Sonne geeignet.
• Sonnenbrille ohne Sehstärke.
• Nicht zum Schutz vor kunstlichen Lichtquellen, zum Beispiel Solarien, geeignet.
• Nicht zur Verwendung als Augenschutz gegen mechanische Einwirkungen.
• Vorsichtig mit weichem Tuch abwischen.
• Nicht zum Fahren von Kraftfahrzeugen in der Dämmerung oder bei Nacht geeignet.
• Keine scheuernden Reinigungsmittel oder Sprays verwenden.
Lunettes de soleil usage général
• Ces lunettes de soleil sont conformes aux exigences obligatoires EN ISO 12312-1:2013 + A1:2015, AS/NZS 1067:2003 et ASNI Z80.3.2015.
• Bonne protection UV.
• Ne convient pas à l’observation directe du soleil.
• Lunettes de soleil sans ordonnance.
• Ne protège pas contre les sources artificielles de lumière comme par exemple dans un solarium.
• Ne protège pas contre les chocs mécaniques.
• Essuyer doucement avec un chiffon doux.
• Ne convient pas à la conduite au crépuscule ou de nuit.
• Ne pas utiliser de sprays ou de détergents abrasifs.
Gafas de sol de uso general
• Estas gafas de sol son acordes a los requisitos obligatorios EN ISO 12312-1:2013 + A1:2015, AS/NZS 1067:2003 y ASNI Z80.3.2015.
• Buena protección frente a rayos UV.
• No para la observación directa del sol.
• Gafas de sol sin graduar.
• No ofrece protección contra la luz procedente de fuentes artificiales, e.g. Solárium.
• No usar para protección ocular contra impactos mecánicos.Limpiar con cuidado con un trapo suave.
• No usar para conducir durante el crepúsculo o la noche.
• No usar detergentes ni sprays abrasivos.
Occhiali da sole per uso generico
• Questi occhiali da sole sono conformi alle certificazioni EN ISO 12312-1:2013 + A1:2015, AS/NZS 1067:2003 e ASNI Z80.3.2015.
• Buona protezione dai raggi UV.
• Non adatti per guardare direttamente il sole.
• Occhiali da sole non graduati.
• Non adatti per la protezione da fonti di luce artificiale come quelle dei solarium.
• Non adatti a proteggere gli occhi dall’impatto meccanico.Pulire delicatamente con un panno morbido.
• Non adatti per la guida al tramonto o la notte.
• Non utilizzare detergenti o spray abrasivi.
When the filter has a luminous transmittance of less than 75 % and higher than 8 %, the following
warning: “Not suitable for driving in twilight or at night” or “Not suitable for driving at night or
under condition of dull light”, in the form of this symbol and/or in writing, will be added to the
When the filter does not meet the necessary requirements for driving (i.e. lens colours that prevent the undistorted recognition of traffic lights) and for filter category 4, the following warning:
“Not suitable for driving and road use” in the form of this symbol and/or in writing, will be added to the product:
where category 4 sunglasses are considered unsuitable for road use and driving. Nevertheless in
extremely high luminance conditions, such as desert and snowfields under full sunlight, the use of
category 4 filters may be recommended.
Polarizing filters (when applicable)
For polarizing filters, the polarization efficiency shall be > 78 % for filter categories 2, 3, 4 and > 60 %
for filter category 1. Filters of category 0 do not have any useful polarizing effect.
Product information:
- a) Manufacturer (Authorized Representative in the EU and UK) : Icon Eyewear BV – Amstelveen- The Netherlands.
- b) Number of the filter category of your purchase: printed on the inside of the frame temple
- d) Type of filter if photochromic and/or polarizing: printed on inside of the frame temple
- e) Restriction of use:
- 1) not for direct observation of the sun;
- 2) not for protection against artificial light sources, e.g. solaria;
- 3) not for use as eye protection against mechanical hazards such as impact;
- f) Keep frame & lenses clean from sunscreen and other chemical skin applications since it may damage your purchase.
- h) Wipe clean with a soft cloth or using lukewarm water. Do not use abrasive detergents or sprays for cleaning.
Guideline for frame adjusting/fitting:
- Metal and PC frame
TR90 frame
Heat the frame part you wish to adjust (by using hair-blow dryer or immersing in warm water) for about 30 seconds. The material then softens to adjust. This can be repeated without damaging the consistency of the material.
Additional information:
- The following information is available on request:
- a) An explanation of the trademarks that are not universally recognized or foreseen by the users of
- this part of ISO 12312.
- b) The position of the reference point when different from the one defined in this part of ISO 12312.
- c) The country of origin (e.g. “made in …….”).
- d) The nominal value of luminous transmittance.
- e) Transmission requirements applicable to this product.
- f) Polarization efficiency in cases of polarizing filters.
- g) The base material of filters and frame.